Spark eTXT

eTXT legacy API documentation

eTXT Legacy API Introduction

NOTE: For new customer's we strongly advise using the eTXT REST API for new integrations.

The eTXT Legacy API provides the simplicity that you are looking for when enabling your applications to send SMS messages. Sending a message is as easy as POSTing a web form.

The HTTP API interface contains the following functions:


Send a single message

Receive a single incoming message via polling

Receive a outgoing messages via polling

Receive the status of messages you've sent (e.g. Learn when a message is received) via polling

Receive a list of recent messages via polling

To use the API simply authenticate your user and POST method parameters to the eTXT server in the same way that a browser would.

To do this method parameters are first HTML form encoded and then submitted in a HTTP POST. This is well supported in most development environments.

Note: The number and order of parameters may vary. The parameter names described in this document will not change, however new parameters may be added from time to time.

Top Tips - useful pointers

Using a REST API is straightforward - no mucking around with XML and a very simple interface. It is best to get familiar with the REST API outside of your code first - so that you can get a feel of how it hangs together without writing stuff and realising there may have been an oversight.

GUI Tools 

We can recommend Postman as a way to easily construct the API calls to eTXT - including saving them for later reference.

Command line tools

cURL is an awesome old-school tool for fetching and putting to web URL's from the command line. There is even a Windows version if you don't fancy using a GUI as mentioned above. Because cURL is a command line tool you can build it into scripts such as Bash shell scripts and use those to interact with the eTXT API. Perfect if you don't want to start involving developers.

API Authentication

Before we allow use of our APIs you must first authenticate yourself, so we know who you are. API calls can be authenticated in a few different ways, but all options are underpinned by SSL/TLS encryption for security. 

Create your API credentials within the eTXT web portal – Configuration, API Settings Page.  Ensure to create ‘Legacy API credentials’ 

Username and Password via HTTP Basic Auth

It is also possible to authenticate your user using HTTP Basic Auth.

curl --user your-user-name:your-password --data "to=6427000001" --data "body=hi"

Username and Password in HTTP POST request

curl --data "userId=youruser-name" --data "password=your-password" --data "to=6427000001" --data "body=hi"

Sending Messages

Use secure HTTPS GET or POST (recommended) to send messages to

Simple API Example

Here’s a simple GET example:

Don’t forget to use your password and an international-format number for the recipient, in the “to” parameter.

The complete list of URL encoded parameters for sending messages are:

NameDescriptionRequired?Min. Version


User name for authentication (same as used for logging into the website). User name and password may be passed as form encoded parameters, or in the HTTP Authorization header in Basic format.




Your account password




Destination Number (MSISDN or Address book item (contact or group). For numbers, include the country code but do not include leading zeros, spaces, brackets or other formatting characters. You can send a message to multiple recipients by space-delimiting items. Version 3 (/api/3) supports multiple recipients using a space-delimited list




The Message to send. Messages can be up to 480 characters long, although this can be controlled by fragmentationLimit. The allowable character set may vary depending on the destination network. In general characters from the GSM default character set are safe (see GSM 03.38). Set contentType to "text/plain; charset=UTF-16" to support richer alphabets.




Your Message Source MSISDN that you wish to use so that recipients can identify you. Only numbers or source strings that you have registered against your account can be used. If undefined then the default value will be used from your account settings.




An identifier that you can use to track message status information for retrying due to errors or delays. Maximum 36 characters. If undefined a UUID will be generated for you. Not valid with Virtual Numbers.




Sets maximum number of SMS message parts to use for Multipart SMS Messages. Gateways may not respect this setting, which may result in longer messages being delivered without warning. If undefined this defaults to the "Long Messages" setting configured for your user




"text/plain" or "text/plain; charset=UTF-16"




Provide a mailto, http, or https URL to be called when replies are made to this message. See Callback URLs




Provide an http or https URL to be called when the status of this message changes. See Callback URLs



Handling a Response

eTXT will respond to each and every HTTP request with one of the following result codes, and an XML response in the body.

CodeMeaningAction Required



Message Passed API validation, check the HTTP response XML for details if message subsequently fails Note eTXT versions earlier than /api/3 return a 204 response, so be careful if you are upgrading



No action required. Valid for /api/1 only


Bad Request

Examine status line for error message



Check you are using the correct URL as well as userId and password values



Check company limits and address book restrictions and that the recipient is either a) a number, or b) a contact or group.


Internal Error

Contact Spark


It is important to note that the API may return a 200 Success result but still fail due to invalid contact name or possibly insufficient funds. You should get into the habit of checking the response XML for any issues in particular if sending to multiple recipients.

The body of the response is an XML structure that provides more information about the send attempt.

The following XML response example indicates a fundamental problem with the request which resulted in no messages being sent. In this case due to an authentication problem:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<outbound-message-delivery messageId="FebPromo" isError="true" errorCode="401" errorMessage="Unauthorised">

The following response indicates that processing was at least partially successful. The "salestem" error is likely due to a typo in the request, which should've been "salesteam".

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<outbound-message-delivery messageId="FebPromo" isError="false">
  <recipient msisdn="64211111111" isError="false"/>
  <recipient msisdn="64211111112" isError="false"/>
  <recipient msisdn="64222222221" isError="true" errorCode="403" errorMessage="Cannot deliver to 64222222221 (Number in Blocked List)"/>
  <recipient msisdn="salestem" isError="true" errorCode="403" errorMessage="Cannot deliver to salestem (Contact not in Address Book)"/>

Receiving Status via Polling

Clients can GET incoming receipts (status updates) from

Clients can be advised of incoming receipts (status updates) via HTTPS GET or POST (recommended) calls

Simple API Example

Here’s a simple GET example:

Don’t forget to use your API username and password

There are just two URL encoded parameters for polling messages:



User name for authentication (same as used for logging into the website). User name and password may be passed as form encoded parameters, or in the HTTP Authorization header in Basic format.



Your account password


eTXT will respond to each and every HTTP request with one of the following result codes:

CodeMeaningAction Required


OK (normal result)

Parse the results for the incoming message details as described below.


No content (no messages)

No incoming messages. Pause processing and retry after 30 seconds.



Check userId and password.


Internal Error

Contact Spark

Polling Delays

Please note that polling will wait for 30 seconds if there are no unread messages in the hope a new message arrives during that period. This is expected behaviour

Polling will only transmit unread messages within the eTXT platform and mark them as read once transmitted. Remember this when testing.

For 200 codes (success) eTXT will include a form encoded parameter list containing some or all of message information as described below.

Note: The order of the parameters may change so use value/pair matching rather than location mapping.

List ItemDescriptionNotes


A unique identifier for the message

eTXT Unique ID. Check this ID to ensure you have not already processed this status update.


A MSISDN or Short Code from our threading range


Destination MSISDN of message

The recipient number of an outbound message sent by you in International format.


Message status


Correlation ID of the message

Matches the messageId returned to you in the response to /api/3/sms/out. If no messageId was set when you submitted the original message then this will contain 'default'. Not valid with Virtual Numbers.


Descriptive text

More, readable information about the Message Status

Receiving Incoming Messages via Polling

You may obtain information about Messages and Statuses via our Polling API. Polling is 'firewall friendly' and often easier to implement (especially if you are working outside an HTTP server), but for the best experience we recommend Callbacks.

Use secure HTTPS GET or POST (recommended) to receive messages via

Simple API Example

Here’s a simple GET example:

Don’t forget to use your API username and password

All messages appear in this api – including those that have been notified via callbacks. Each call to this API returns a single unread message and then marks it as read

There are just two URL encoded parameters for polling messages:



User name for authentication (same as used for logging into the website). User name and password may be passed as form encoded parameters, or in the HTTP Authorization header in Basic format.



Your account password


eTXT will respond to each and every HTTP request with one of the following result codes:

CodeMeaningAction Required


OK (normal result)

Parse the results for the incoming message details as described below.


No content (no messages)

No incoming messages. Pause processing and retry after 30 seconds.



Check userId and password.


Internal Error

Contact Spark

Polling Delays

Please note that polling will wait for 30 seconds if there are no unread messages in the hope a new message arrives during that period. This is expected behaviour

Polling will only transmit unread messages within the eTXT platform and mark them as read once transmitted. Remember this when testing.

For 200 codes (success) eTXT will include a form encoded parameter list containing some or all of message information as described below.

Note: The order of the parameters may change so use value/pair matching rather than location mapping.

List ItemDescriptionNotes


A unique identifier for the message

eTXT Unique ID. Check this ID to ensure you have not already processed this incoming message.



The sender of the SMS message in International format.


Destination MSISDN

The number the message was sent to. Applies to MO messages messages only, not to reply messages.


Correlation ID (if the message is a reply)

Matches the messageId returned to you in the response to /api/3/sms/out. If no messageId was set when you submitted the original message then this will contain 'default'.


Message Content

URL encoded content of the user's message


The Date that the message is received

Formatted as ISO-8601 in the UTC Timezone, for example: 2017-05-16T01:23:04.417Z


The content type used in the message

text/plain, or text/plain; charset=UTF-16

Example GET Request

Substitute your correct eTXT Credentials in this example and if you have any unread incoming messages available then you will download one of them if you access the URL in a browser.

Example Mobile Initiated Message Content

This shows the content of the request when the messages is not a reply but is an 'MO messages' message (ie: initiated by the handset).

Note: the to value is included in the content while the inReplyToId is not included.


Example Content for Reply Messages

This shows the content of the request when the messages is a reply to one you sent previously.

Note: the inReplyToId which will map to the messageId you set in your original outbound message.


This is the same message when you do not set the messageId you set in your original outbound message.


Recent Message RSS Feed

You may wish to view your recent messages in an RSS Reader, or your own custom application.

Use secure HTTPS GET or POST to view such messages via in either RSS or ATOM format.

API Feed Parameters

Recognised URL encoded parameters for retrieving messages are:

Name (case sensitive)Valid ValuesDescriptionRequired?



User name for authentication (same as used for logging into the website). User name and password may be passed as form encoded parameters, or in the HTTP Authorization header in Basic format.




Your account password.



"ATOM" or "RSS"

Result format

NO. Default feed format is ATOM 1.0


"out" or "reply"

The type of messages to return

NO. By default we return both out and reply



The maximum number of messages to return. Note that no more than 300 messages will be returned.

NO. Defaults to 8

Your application should parse the resulting XML feed and display or manipulate your recent messages.

Details of your account including account balance, type and currency is included in the feed results. This will allow you to monitor your account status and initiate a payment before your service is restricted.

Feed Example

Using Callbacks in the API

The API allows Callback URLs to be defined individually when each message is sent, which is useful if you don't wish to use a Company default.

These are defined by API parameters callbackUrl and callbackStatusUrl

When defining these URLs they must be URL encoded prior to inclusion in the request. Here's a walkthrough describing how to define a "mailto:" URL:

Step 1: URL Encode your mailto parameters (if used) Replace the newlines (\n below) with %0A and spaces with %20. Any other characters should also be encoded

Subject=Message: {!messageId}&Body={!body}\n\n-- \nIn Reply to {!messageId}\n\n

to get the encoded string below


Step 2: Concatenate the mailto string together as below{!messageId}&Body={!body}%0A%0A--%20%0AIn%20Reply%20to%20{!messageId}%0A%0A

Step 3: Finally URL Encode the entire string, for use as the "callbackUrl" parameter

Note: This does result in 'double' encoding of the mailto parameters if used. This is correct and required.

Given the URL shown in the above example, if the original SMS was "Sign up for our competition", with a messageId of "FebPromo", and the recipient replied with "Yes Please", the email body delivered would be:

Yes Please

– In Reply to FebPromo

Sign up for our competition