The following templates are suitable for use with communicating with the public and staff in relation to important information, warnings, notifications and general updates relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.
While we appreciate that governmental structure varies widely between different countries, we have created these templates based on a State and Federal Government example, as this will provide a more granular approach to messaging which can be "stripped back" as required.
Data templates:
We have included some data templates as well (which should automatically download when you click each link), to help you save your contact information in a format that will work with the field references in each message template. Each data template has column headers in row 1, a description of the required data in row 2, and an example of the data in row 3. Make sure you delete the contents of rows 2 and 3 before adding your contact data, but do not delete the content in row 1 (unless you want to change the header name and the field references in the message).
1. Restriction Notification
As governmental restrictions are increased, so too can be the confusion around permitted activities. This template can be used to communicate a summary of the restrictions to the general public. The example shown can be altered to suit the specifics of the region and the restrictions in force.
Variable Fields:
Any field written in between pointed brackets (e.g. <text>) is a variable field and should be altered according to specific requirements
- "<Insert URL>" - this is where you need to paste the link to the location where recipients can view the information referenced in the message (e.g. your website).
- <Insert Signature> - this is where you need to add your signature, which should include a clear identifier
Supporting Data Template:
You can use this template example to save your contact data to work with this message template if preferred:
Basic Contact Data Template.xlsx
<Stage 3> restrictions are now in effect across <Auckland>. You must stay at home except to:
1. <Obtain essential supplies>
2. <Get exercise>
3. <Go to work (if unable to work from home)>
4. <Obtain medical support>
Groups must be limited to <2> persons unless you already live together. For more info visit <insert URL>
<Insert Signature>
2. Departmental Notification
This template can be used to communicate important updates and procedures on behalf of various departments, such as the DHB to its users.
Field References:
- #firstname# - the first name of the recipient
<Variable Fields>:
- Any field written in between pointed brackets (e.g. <text>) is a variable field and should be altered according to specific requirements
- <Insert URL> - this is where you need to paste the link to the location where recipients can view the information referenced in the message (e.g. your website).
- <Insert Signature> - this is where you need to add your signature, which should include a clear identifier
Supporting Data Template:
You can use this template example to save your contact data to work with this message template if preferred:
Basic Contact Data Template.xlsx
Dear #firstname#
An important COVID-19 update from <department>:
If you or a family member have any health concerns, contact your local GP or call the <National COVID Support line> on <insert phone>.
We prioritise the safety of our users, staff and the community and must minimise unnecessary contact where possible, so for matters relating to the <department>, please use our online service at <insert URL> or call us on <insert phone #2> instead of visiting your local <department> office.
Our office hours are <9am-5pm> <Monday to Friday>
<Insert Signature>
3. General Information
To maintain public focus on the importance of social distancing, isolation and recognising symptoms, this template can be used to communicate general information to staff and the public in relation to COVID-19. It may be good practise to set this message to a recurring schedule, or to be sent following the release of new statements and/or regulations from the National Government.
Supporting Data Template:
You can use this template example to save your contact data to work with this message template if preferred:
Basic Contact Data Template.xlsx
<Variable Fields>:
- <Insert URL> - this is where you need to paste the link to the location where recipients can view the information referenced in the message (e.g. your website).
- <Insert Signature> - this is where you need to add your signature, which should include a clear identifier
Follow government guidelines on self-isolation, social distancing and hygienic practises. Visit <insert URL> for more info.
- Stay at home unless absolutely necessary
- Stay 2m apart
- Wash your hands for 20 seconds every 20 minutes
- Cover your mouth with a tissue when you cough
COVID-19 symptoms include:
- Dry cough
- Fever
- Tiredness
- Shortness of Breath
If you are concerned about your health, contact your GP or call <insert phone> for assistance. If you feel unwell, self-isolate immediately and seek medical assistance
<Insert Signature>